Master Gardener Foundation of your County

Top section of each page is set up as an introduction to what follows. Master Gardener Spirit Mark to the left, and if you have one, Foundation logo to the right graphically indicates the relationship between Extension & Foundation.
In this space, you want to briefly indicate the purpose of the Foundation and this site, for example that you are a 501c3 and generate funding for Master Gardener Educational Outreach….
Below the separator is the changing items you want to feature on your home page. All that follows are just suggestions….

Upcoming Events:
In this section, we suggest you place ‘Promotion Blocks’ of upcoming events you want featured. These could be Foundation or Extension events, depending on the focus of your site, for example…
The Northwest Flower & Garden Festival 2025
February 19 – 23 at the Seattle Convention Center
This is a fabulous opportunity to explore six acres of inspiring gardens, beautiful flowers, and plants. The festival will boast a diverse range of 300 exhibits, each offering a unique perspective on gardening, outdoor living, and gardeners. There will also be many opportunities for all gardening levels to enjoy educational and entertaining seminars.

If you schedule many events
You can place an ‘Events List’ at left
We have used an image of an events block here, you would replace with an actual Events List block, after creating the events.
Learn more about us:
The set of ‘Cards’ below is similar to what Extension sites do: this gives you an additional way (beyond the menu at top) to drive people to specific areas of your site.

And you can add any additional information you want to feature
Interested in becoming a Master Gardener?
If you love gardening and want to support environmental education opportunities in your neighborhood, please check out everything the Clallam County Master Gardener Program has to offer. Our county MG Program website has information on how to apply for Master Gardener certification this fall and what the training involves. We also offer general gardening tip sheets, links to education resources, and ways to support our mission in your community. We’ve got learning opportunities for all ages and all levels of horticultural experience.