Cultivating community partnerships

We promote sustainable gardening in the Pacific Northwest

Innovative fundraising and sound financial management

This is one of the 2 or 3 pages we really ask you to leave in. It’s purpose is to show the link between the Extension Program & State Foundation. We lead with Your County to also demonstrate the balance between Local Responsiveness and the power of a state wide organization. If you have a Foundation Mission Statement, it could go here for example:….Our Mission is to financially support the Your County Master Gardeners through innovative fundraising and sound financial management, now and for the future.The Foundation raises money throughout the year via various fundraisers and donation drives….

State wide impact, county by county

Your County Foundation

We are a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization that supports and promotes the WSU Extension Master Gardener program in Your County. Our Foundation uses its funds to meet the needs of the communities throughout Your County.

But Master Gardeners are structured to deliver horticultural and environmental stewardship education throughout the State of Washington. Our educational programs are developed and maintained by Washington State University, who trains all our volunteers. In addition, we partner with our state wide foundation to fund and deliver the programs throughout the state.

WSU Extension

WSU Extension offices coordinate the Master Gardener program, train volunteers in research-based best practices, and provide the educational resources for public outreach and environmental advocacy throughout Washington state.

The Master Gardener program promotes educational outreach and community engagement through its demonstration gardens, educational workshops, and youth programs. These programs require public support. Master Gardener foundations provide that financial support through donations and fundraising campaigns to ensure our programs will continue to thrive.

The State Foundation

Our State Foundation focuses on three things: Providing financial and logistical support to our annual Advanced Education Conference so that we can continually improve the horticultural education of Master Gardeners throughout Washington.
Nurturing state-wide leadership, communication and collaboration amongst our dozens of local chapters, representing all 39 Washington counties, and to promote best practices in both fundraising and foundation management.
Work in concert with WSU Extension to magnify the benefits of Master Gardener programs in all counties and regions of Washington state and across the U.S.

Below, you can (optionally, of course) include additional County specific information you would like to feature….