Leadership in action

The driving force for continued growth

Meet the Board of Directors for Our Foundation

Editor’s note: Another ‘borrowed’ page from King. Use your own text and images, but a really good Board page that holds a lot of information. Not on this page, but some counties also link to their meeting minutes from this page. The xxxx Board of Directors plays a crucial role in fulfilling the organization’s mission and ensuring its operational and legal accountability. The Board sets an annual fundraising goal, aiming to surpass the previous year’s total. Through their active involvement and regular review of fundraising strategies, the Board contributes to the organization’s growth and success. Its members are engaged, inspired, and knowledgeable about how to contribute effectively and committed to helping build a road to the future.

The Board facilitates the exchange of ideas and information with WSU Extension and serves as advisor to the xxxx County Program Coordinator. The Board interacts with WSU Extension and reviews and approves the Memorandum of Agreement with Washington State University Extension on a regular basis to maintain a clear understanding of all roles and responsibilities to ensure the growth and success of the Master Gardener program in xxxx County.

Lilypads floating in dark still water

Board of Directors members are elected by the Foundation membership to serve three-year terms but not more than seven consecutive years. The Board of Directors manages the affairs of the Foundation on behalf of its membership of Master Gardener volunteers. Their main duties are to accept contributions and administer those funds.

Master Gardeners are encouraged, but not required, to join MGFKC. All Foundation members are King County Master Gardeners who play a variety of leadership roles and are all passionate about gardening. All Master Gardeners are welcome and encouraged to attend board meetings.

Meetings of the Board of Directors are regularly scheduled for the second Thursday of the month. Details are published in the monthly newsletter.

Purple lavender heads in full bloom

Upcoming Events



  • Master Gardener Class of 20xx
  • Joined the Board in 20xx
Cathi Lamoreux.

Vice President

Join us. Leverage your networks and expertise with active involvement as a leader.



  • Master Gardener Class of 20xx
  • Joined the Board in 20xx



  • Master Gardener Emeritus
  • Class of 20xx
  • Joined the Board in 20xx

Board Member


  • Master Gardener Class of 20xx
  • Joined the Board in 20xx

Board Member


  • Master Gardener Class of 20xx
  • Joined the Board in 20xx

Board Member


  • Master Gardener Class of 20xx
  • Joined the Board in 20xx

Board Member


  • Master Gardener Class of 20x
  • Joined the Board in 201x

Board Member


  • Master Gardener Class of 201xx
  • Joined the Board in 20x

Board Member


  • Master Gardener Class of 20xx
  • Joined the Board in 20xx

Standing Committees and Leadership Teams:

Standing Committee of the Foundation are appointed by the Board for an indefinite time. Special Committees are appointed for a specific task with a specified time to completion. [By-Laws, Art. VI]

The Foundation Standing Committees are Audit and Development.

Advisory Committees are selected by

How to Get Involved with Foundation Leadership

Committee Membership: Foundation members do not have to be a member of the Board to serve on Committees. If you are looking for a way to volunteer and contribute to the Foundation and one of these committees matches your experience, expertise, or interests, please contact the Foundation President, president@